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Bull Cast: Personal Finance Made Simple

Updated: Jun 2, 2020

**Tap tap... is this thing on?**

Katie Pickler and Cort Winsett | Bull Cast the Podcast | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors

We're beyond excited to announce the launch of our brand-new podcast, Bull Cast! Over the years, we have realized that there seems to be a very large barrier between what we do (financial planning/advising), and the rest of the world. Day in and day out, we see people who are intimidated by investing because, to put it simply, they are afraid to ask "the right" questions.

We launched Bull Cast to remove that barrier and make personal finance more accessible. These 30-minute episodes will take financial topics and break them down into fun, candid, and jargon-less pieces. We have had a lot of fun planning and producing this show, and we think you will enjoy it!

We welcome questions, feedback, and topic requests for future episodes, so don't hesitate to reach out.

Bull Cast the Podcast, Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors.

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